SIO 210 Talley Topic 1: Introduction to Ocean Circulation

Lynne Talley, 1997
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The notes given here are in expanded outline form. The purpose of the notes is mainly to provide many of the figures used in class. The notes are not complete, and are not meant to replace the required text reading. All references are given in the study guide and bibliography .

1. Geographical setting (see texts and study maps)

2. What is physical oceanography?

What phenomena do physical oceanographers study? (e.g. surface and internal waves, air-sea exchanges, turbulence and mixing, acoustics, heating and cooling, wave and wind-induced currents, tides, tsunamis, storm surges, large-scale waves affected by earth's rotation, large-scale eddies, general circulation and its changes, coupled ocean-atmosphere dynamics for weather and climate).

What forces act on the ocean? (e.g. wind [waves, turbulence, large scale waves, circulation], heating due to the sun and geothermal energy, cooling, evaporation due to sun and wind, precipitation, tidal potential [the moon and sun], earthquakes, gravity)

(zonal = east-west and meridional = north-south).

3. What is the general circulation?

  1. Spatial scales: 100s to 1000s of kilometers
  2. Time scales: small seasonal, interannual to decadal/century changes in flows which basically retain the same patterns as long as the land configuration doesn't change and the atmosphere is dominated by trades and mid-latitude westerlies.
  3. Average current speeds: 1-5 cm/sec (horizontal) in the interior of the ocean, and 100-150 cm/sec (horizontal) in the fastest currents such as the Gulf Stream and Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Vertical velocity for the general circulation is on the order of 10-4 cm/sec and can only be inferred, not measured.
  4. Geostrophic balance: in the ma=F equation, the largest terms are the Coriolis acceleration and the pressure gradient. The time changes, advection and forcing/dissipation are much smaller.
Wind-driven circulation: The winds drive the general circulation associated with the subtropical and subpolar gyres, and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. The mechanisms are described in topic 3 (Dynamical quantities and forcing). The wind-driven circulation consists of the part of the geostrophic flow from the surface to the ocean bottom which is driven, indirectly, by the wind stress, and the frictional wind-driven currents of the thin surface layer (50-100 meters).

Surface current maps from Tomczak and Godfrey or Pickard and Emery showing the large-scale geostrophic flow. Major similarities between the various ocean basins. Note asymmetry of the gyres: strong western boundary currents and weaker flow in the interior; weak and shallow eastern boundary currents.

Subtropical gyres in every ocean basin (high pressure in the middle so flow is clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere)

Subpolar gyres in the two northern hemisphere basins and in the Weddell and Ross Seas (low pressure in the middle)

Antarctic Circumpolar Current which is nearly unimpeded flow around Antarctica, extending to ocean bottom.

Complicated zonal currents in the tropics.

Thermohaline circulation: Heating/cooling and to a lesser extent evaporation/precipitation drive global and basin-scale circulations characterized by overturn (sinking of dense water and upwelling). The current driven by this are slower than the wind-driven currents in most places. It is useful to think of this circulation as being imposed separately from the wind-driven circulation, although there are likely some nonlinear interactions. Deep western boundary currents and slow interior deep flow are thermohaline.

Conveyor belt diagram (Broecker, 1991) based on Gordon (1986) for the North Atlantic Deep Water cell gives the sense of the global scale of the overturning, but is completely missing the Antarctic Bottom Water cell, and is likely not to be correct in the locations and implied magnitudes and path of the return flows to the North Atlantic.

Schmitz (1995) diagram: better sense of the complexity of the overturning pathways. Division of the ocean into 4 layers is sensible (upper ocean to pycnocline, intermediate layer, deep water layer, bottom water layer).

4. Isopycnal analysis and water masses

Two objectives of studying the general circulation are to determine the velocity structure and also the pathways for water parcels. We are also interested in the fluxes of various properties. For physical oceanography and climate, heat and freshwater fluxes are of interest. For climate and biogeochemical cycles, fluxes of other properties such as carbon and nutrients are of interest.

As has already been described in the first half of the course (Hendershott) and as will be discussed in topic 3, most of our knowledge of the circulation is somewhat indirect, using the geostrophic method to determine velocity referenced to a known velocity pattern at some depth. If the reference velocity pattern is not known well, then we must deduce it.

One assumption that we make is that flow is least impeded along isentropic surfaces. Our approximation to isentropic surfaces is isopycnal or neutral surfaces (topic 2). We thus often study patterns of tracers and relative circulation along isopycnals. Cross-isopycnal velocities are very much smaller, although over the largest scales and also in restricted coastal or equatorial regions, they are of course important (thermohaline circulation and upwelling, respectively).

Deduction of the absolute velocity field is based on all of the information that we can bring to bear. This includes identifying sources of waters, by their contrasting properties, and determining which direction they appear to spread on average. We use the concept of water masses as a convenient way to tag the basic source waters. The definition of a "water mass" is somewhat vague, but is in the sense of "cores" of high or low properties, such as salinity or oxygen, in the vertical and along isopycnal surfaces. A range of densities (depths) is usually considered for a given water mass. Water mass definitions may change as a layer is followed from one basin or ocean to another. Many examples of water masses will be given in topics 4 and following.