SIO 210: Syllabus

Fall, 2000: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:35-10:55 and Monday 1:30-3:00
Nierenberg Hall 101
Myrl Hendershott
email: Office: CCS (head of pier). Phone: x45705.
Lynne Talley
email: Office: Nierenberg Hall 308 (soon to be 305). Phone: x46610.

Reading and the lectures. Each lecture is built around a suite of related ideas. The discussion in lecture is summary and not mathematical, the readings are coordinated with the lectures and are very specific because they are intended to provide deeper coverage of some of the lecture material. The intellectual challenge of this half of the class is to organize each lecture and its reading into a coherent whole. Most of the readings are bound in manilla folders and shelved in the reserve reading room of the SIO library. If you make a copy of any reading, please carefully restaple the pages of the reserve copy back together. The lectures will be Tuesday/Thrusday; the Monday afternoon meeting will supplement the lectures by, for example, dealing with lecture material at a more mathematical level.

During the first half of the course, an ongoing exercise will be to observe the winds and circulation along the California coast as documented on the web at

Textbooks: The SIO Aquarium bookstore has a supply of the following books which are useful for the descriptive large-scale oceanography part of the course (second half). They are also on reserve.

Tomczak and Godfrey, Regional Oceanography: an Introduction
Pickard and Emery, Descriptive Physical Oceanography
1 21 Sep Hendershott Transport Processes
2 26 Sep Hendershott Fluid Flow
3 28 Sep Hendershott Atmospheric Circulation
4 3 Oct Hendershott Dynamics of large-scale circulation
5 5 Oct Hendershott Mesoscale flow
6 10 Oct Hendershott Waves
7 12 Oct Hendershott Tides
8 17 Oct Hendershott Internal Waves
9 19 Oct Hendershott Mixing
10 24 Oct Hendershott Coastal Oceanography
-- 26 Oct Hendershott Hendershott exam
11 27 Oct: 3-4:30 Talley Intro. to ocean circulation
12 2 Nov Talley Properties of seawater, dynamic quantities
13 3 Nov: 3-4:30 Talley Forcing and transports
14 9 Nov Talley Forcing and transports (continued)
15 13 Nov: 3-4:30 Talley Observational methods - aquarium tour (half of class)
16 14 Nov Talley North Pacific circulation, water masses, wind forcing
17 16 Nov Talley North Atlantic circulation, water masses, thermohaline forcing
18 17 Nov: 3-4:30 Talley Observational methods - aquarium tour (half of class)
19 21 Nov Talley Southern hemisphere and global circulation
-- 23 Nov Thanksgiving vacation
20 28 Nov Talley Circulation: Equatorial and eastern boundary
21 30 Nov Talley Variability: Monsoons, El Nino, Decadal change
-- 7 Dec 8-11 AM Talley Final Exam
SIO Aquarium visit (lecture and tour) in November following the November 9 lecture to discuss methods for measuring physical oceanographic quantities. Meet in the courtyard outside the Education entrance (past the bookstore).