Professor Gille earned a BS in physics at Yale and a PhD in physical
oceanography from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution Joint Program. She did postdoctoral
research at Scripps Institution of Oceanography and at the University of
East Anglia, and was a faculty member at the University of California, Irvine.
She joined the UCSD faculty in 2000.
Southern Ocean climate and dynamics. Wind-forcing of the Southern
Ocean and heat transport via the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.
Satellite oceanography from altimeter, scatterometer, microwave
SST, etc.
Luke Colosi, SIO graduate student (2024- ); was an undergraduate (2017-2020); co-mentored with Bia Villas Boas, also worked with Luc Lenain.
Angela Kuhn Cordova, SIO postdoc (2022-2024), now a project scientist; with Matt Mazloff.
Jack Gazeley, SIO graduate student (2023- );
Youran Li, SIO graduate student (2019- ); with Matt Mazloff.
Ben Moore-Maley, Los Alamos National Laboratory postdoc (2023- ); with Julie McClean, Alice Barthel, and Luke Van Roekel.
Ishwari Mulkalwar, SIO graduate student (2022- );
Saulo Soares, SIO postdoc (2019-2022); with Teri Chereskin), now a project scientist at SIO.
Yao Yu, Schmidt postdoc at SIO (2023- ); previously graduate student (2019-2023); with David Sandwell.
Magdalena Carranza, SIO graduate student (2009-2016); postdoc (2016-2018), now at MBARI.
Ru Chen, postdoc (2013-2017), with Julie McClean and Janet Sprintall; subsequently an Assistant Project Scientist at UCLA; now at Tianjin University, China.
Brian Chinn, MAE (MS) graduate student (2003-05), subsequently completed a PhD at
U. Washington, now a data scientist, Seattle.
Shenfu Dong, postdoc (2004-2007), now at NOAA-AOML, Miami.
Kyla Drushka, SIO (PhD) graduate student (2005-2011), with Janet Sprintall, post-doc (2011, 2012-2014), now a Senior Oceanographer at U. Washington.
Shane Elipot,
SIO (PhD) graduate student (2001-06), now at RSMAS, University of Miami
Natalie Freeman, postdoc at University of Colorado (2020-2022); with Donata Giglio; now a Research Physical Scientist at NOAA.
Mara Freilich, SIO postdoc (2021-2023), now faculty at Brown University; with Matt Mazloff and Peter Franks).
Yu Gao, SIO postdoc (2022-2024); with Matt Mazloff and Bruce Cornuelle).
Donata Giglio, postdoc (2016-2019), now faculty at University of Colorado, Boulder.
Alexa Griesel, postdoc (2005-2011); with Janet Sprintall, now at University of Hamburg.
Manuel Gutierrez, SIO postdoc (2023-2024); with Matt Mazloff and Bruce Cornuelle).
Momme Hell, SIO graduate student (2015-2020); with Art Miller and Bruce Cornuelle, now a postdoc at NCAR.
Lydi Keppler, SIO postdoc (2021-2024); with Matt Mazloff and Lynne Talley.
ChuanLi Jiang, postdoc (2008-2011) with Janet Sprintall, now at Cognitiv, Seattle.
Luke Kachelein, SIO graduate student (2016-2023); with Matt Mazloff and Bruce Cornuelle, now a postdoc at JPL.
Xichen Li, postdoc (2014-2016); with Shangping Xie, now at Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Theresa Morrison, SIO (PhD) graduate student (2016-2022); with Julie McClean, now a staff scientist at GFDL.
André Palóczy, SIO graduate student (2015-2020); with Julie McClean and Jen MacKinnon, now a postdoc at the National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool.
Channing Prend, SIO graduate student (2017-2022); with Lynne Talley, now a postdoc at the University of Washington and CalTech.
Angelica Gilroy Rodriguez, undergrad REU (2011-13), subsequently an SIO grad student (with Sarah Giddings) (2013-2019) and postdoc (with Mark Merrifield). Now at JPL.
Erica Rosenblum, SIO (PhD) graduate student (2012-2018), with Ian Eisenman, now in the Department of Physics, University of Toronto.
Gordon Stephenson, SIO (PhD) graduate student (2006-2012), with Janet Sprintall, now a data engineer in the Bay Area.
Philip Sura, postdoc (2001-02), now faculty at Florida State University.
Erik Tang, MAE (BS/MS) graduate student (2008-10), with Julia Muccino,
Lisa Levin, and Bruce Cornuelle.
Bia Villas Boas, graduate student (2014-2020) and postdoc (2020-2021); with Matt Mazloff and Bruce Cornuelle, now faculty at Colorado School of Mines.