Dr. Philip G. Sura
Physical Oceanography
Research Division
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, California 92093-0230
Phone: 1-858-822-5051, Fax: 1-858-534-9820
New affiliation:
NOAA-CIRES, Climate Diagnostics Center, R/CDC1
325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305-3328
Phone: (303) 497-4426
Fax: (303) 497-6449
E-Mail: psura@cdc.noaa.gov
URL: http://www.cdc.noaa.gov/~psura
Research Interests
- Decadal climate variability
- Dynamics of atmospheric and oceanic large-scale flow regimes
- Dynamics of the wind-driven ocean circulation
- Stochastic climate models
- Sura, P., 2000: Der Einfluß externen Rauschens auf die
Klimavariabilität in vereinfachten Modellen. Ph.D.-Thesis, University
of Hamburg. [pdf reprint
(in german)]
- Sura, P. , F. Lunkeit, and K. Fraedrich, 2000: Decadal variability in a simplified wind-driven ocean
model. J. Phys. Oceanogr., Vol. 30, 1917-1930. [pdf reprint]
- Sura, P., K. Fraedrich, and F. Lunkeit, 2001: Regime transitions
in a stochastically forced double-gyre model. J. Phys. Oceanogr.,
Vol. 31, 411-426. [pdf
- Sura, P., 2002: Noise-induced transitions in a barotropic
beta-plane channel. J. Atmos. Sci ., Vol. 59, 97-110.
[pdf reprint]
- Sura, P., and C. Penland, 2002: Sensitivity of a double-gyre
model to details of stochastic forcing. Ocean Modelling, Vol. 4,
327-345. [pdf reprint]
- Sura, P., 2003: Stochastic analysis of Southern and Pacific
Ocean sea surface winds. J. Atmos. Sci ., Vol. 60,
in press. [pdf preprint]
- Sura, P., and S. T. Gille, 2002: Interpreting wind-driven
Southern Ocean variability in a stochastic framework, J. Mar. Res.,
submitted. [pdf preprint]
- Sura, P., and J. J. Barsugli, 2002: A note on estimating drift
and diffusion parameters from timeseries. Phys. Lett. A, in press.
[pdf preprint]
Education and professional experience
Observation to an Oceanographer
What you do is really boring. You work on the same problem for years
and the best you can do is an approximate answer. You are not even sure
it's right.
Jacob Cane, age 11, to his father
( M.A. Cane, 1986: Introduction to Ocean Modeling; Advanced Physical Oceanographic
Numerical Modelling, edited by J.J. O'Brien, NATO ASI Series C, Vol. 186
Last modification: October 2002