ESYS 10: Field Trip to the Birch Aquarium at Scripps
Getting to the Aquarium:
- Bicycle or walk. It should take no more than 20 minutes to walk
from the Price Center to the aquarium.
- Take the SIO shuttle from the circle in front of Mandeville Auditorium.
The shuttle
leaves Mandeville at 8:45, 9:15, 9:45, and so forth.
To return up the hill, you'll catch the shuttle at about 10:35, 11:05, etc
from in front of the aquarium.
- Drive and park at the aquarium. The aquarium lot is a UCSD A/B
lot, but you can purchase a daily permit for $3 or use a parking meter.
- Drive and park in the S lots down the hill from Scripps, at Deep Sea
Drilling or Nierenberg Hall.
At the Aquarium:
I'll talk for about 20 minutes, starting at 9:40. Then you'll have
some time to explore the aquarium on your own (and an assignment to complete
as you do.) If you can't come, be sure to visit the aquarium on your own
and complete this assignment: aquarium.pdf