ESYS 10:  Carbon Cycle


Topics (with selected links):

Carbon Cycle
World Resources Institute: Global Carbon Cycle
Understanding the Global Carbon Cycle (Woods Hole Research Center)

Carbon reservoirs
Earth on Fire

Organic Carbon Cycle on Land: Seasonal plant growth
Earth is Becoming a Greener Greenhouse (Boston University)

Organic Carbon Cycle in the Ocean: Phytoplankton, Zooplankton, and Detritus
Plankton (Natureworks)
Diversity of Zooplankton (Year of the Ocean)
Radiolaria (life history and ecology)
Biological pump

Long-term Organic Carbon: Sediment Burial
Carbon Burial in Lakes (USGS)
Drops in atmospheric oxygen (Broecker)
Rising carbon dioxide

Inorganic Carbon Cycle: Chemical Weathering and Air-Sea Carbon exchange
Chemical weathering examples (Duke University)
Climate and the carbon cycle (UK Met Office)

Snowball Earth: What happens when the system shuts down?
Snowball Earth (Scientific American article)
Earth and Sky radio transcript

Consequences of Carbon Emissions
Consequences: The Carbon Cycle, Climate, and the Long-Term Effects of Fossil Fuel Burning (Kasting)