MAE 124/ESYS 103:  Week 6 Assignment

Mitigation Wedges

Handout in pdf format

Sometimes cynics are quick to conclude that our greenhouse warming woes are hopeless. In a detailed analysis in the journal Science, Pacala and Socolow (2004) suggested that humanity already has the technology that we need to solve our climate problems. For discussion section this week, please read their article and the ``stabilization wedge'' game handout:
  1. Pacala, S. and R. Socolow, 2004. Stabilization Wedges: Solving the Climate Problem for the Next 50 Years with Current Technologies, Science, 305, 968-972.
  2. Hotinski, R., 2009. Stabilization wedges: A concept and game, Carbon Mitigation Initiative. Download problems? We'll post a copy on WebCT as well...
Complete the mitigation wedge exercise on p. 13 of the ``Stabilization wedges: A concept and game" handout. (You do not need to do the cut-and-paste exercise on p. 14, unless you want to.) In a carefully worded paragraph of 200 words or less, discuss the choices that you made in developing your mitigation strategy. You may work with a friend to develop the mitigation strategy, but please write the paragraph on your own.

Please come to class prepared to discuss both your mitigation plan and some of the issues associated with the mitigation plan. Will a mitigation plan designed to stabilize carbon emissions be sufficient to solve our greenhouse warming problems? Are the objective of the mitigation plan achievable? Is an exercise such as this more useful as an educational tool, or does it have real value in helping to define environmental and energy policy?

One student e-mailed asking if these final discussion questions need to included in your paragraph. No, they don't. We're asking you to focus on explaining your mitigation strategy choices. (A full discourse on all of these issues could seem like quite a large writing assignment, and we didn't want to pile too much work on just after the midterm.)