SIO 219, 1 unit S/U
Professor William R. Young
wryoung at
Phone: 858 534 1380
Office: Keck room 353 - this is at the extreme north-east corner of SIO. As far and high as possible from the Director's Office, while still remaining on the SIO campus
Friday 3:30pm, Keck Conference Room
The theme of the theory seminar this quarter is ocean surface processes and inference of subsurface flow. Recent work on surface quasigeostrophy will be one focus, but other topics related to sea-surface processes (gravity waves, near-inertial oscillations) will also be discussed. There'll be a mixture of research seminars and student-led presentations of key papers. Students are encouraged to register for the class, and participation by interested post-docs and faculty is very welcome.
Course Requirements Students should register as S/U. Registered students will be expected to present at least one paper during the quarter and participate in the discussion each week.
The reading list below is under development. Participants are encouraged to suggest papers that they like to read and discuss.
1. Juckes, M. 1994. Quasigeostrophic dynamics of the tropopause. J. Atmos. Sci. 51, 2756-2768
2. LaCasce, J. H. and A. Mahadevan, 2006. Estimating subsurface horizontal and vertical velocities from sea-surface temperature. J. Marine Res., 64, 695-721.
3. Lapeyre G. and P. Klein, 2006. Dynamics of the Upper Oceanic layers in terms of surface quasigeostrophic theory. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 36, 165-176.
4. Held, I.M., R.T. Pierrehumbert, S.T. Garner and K.L. Swanson, 1995. Surface quasi-geostrophic dynamics. J. Fluid Mech., 282, 1-20.
5. Smith, K. S. and J. Vanneste, 2013. A
surface-aware projection basis for quasigeostrophic flow. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43, 548-562.
6. LaCasce, J.H., 2012. Surface quasigeostrophic
Solutions and baroclinic modes with exponential stratification. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43, 569-580. and the corrigendum LaCasce, J.H., 2012. Corrigendum.
7. Berti, S. and G. Lapeyre, 2014. Lagrangian reconstructions of temperature and velocity in a model of surface ocean turbulence. Ocean modelling, 76, 59-71.
8. Wang, J., G.R. Flierl, J. Lacasce, J.L. McClean and A. Mahadevan, 2013. Reconstructing the Ocean's interior from surface data. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43, 1611-1626.
10. Derivation of the QG approximation from Vallis's textbook
11. McIntyre, M.E., 2102. Potential Vorticity. From the Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, ed. G. North, F. Zhang and J. Pyle
12. Charney, J.G., 1948. On the scale of atmospheric motions. Geofysiske Publn., 17, 251-265
13. Klein, P., B.L. Hua, G. Lapeyre, X. Capet, S. Le Gentil and H. Sasaki, 2008. Upper ocean turbulence from high-resolution 3D simulations. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 38, 1748-1763
14. B.J. Hoskins, 1975. The geostrophic momentum approximation and the semi-geostrophic equations. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 32, 233-242
15. B.J. Hoskins, 1982. The mathematical theory of frontogenesis. Annual Reviews of Fluid Mechanics, 14, 131-151
16. R. Salmon, 1985. New equations for nearly geostrophic flow. J. Fluid Mech., 153, 461-477
17. G. Badin. Surface semi-geostrophic dynamics in the ocean. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, DOI:10.1080/03091929.2012.740479
- April 4, 2014: Chip Cox, "Distortion of the viscous sublayer of the wind by capillary-gravity waves causes growth, slowing and form drag of waves"
- April 11, 2014: Cecily Keppel, "The QG approximation, and SQG". The primary reading is paper 10, and secondary reading is papers 11 and 12.
- April 18, 2014: No meeting (Easter).
- April 25, 2014: Catherine Jones, "Using SQG to solve a very important oceanographic problem". The primary reading is papers 2 and 3, and secondary reading is paper 1.
- May 2nd 2014: Ruth Musgrave. The primary reading is paper 4.
- May 9th 2014: Andrew Delman. The primary reading is paper 6.
- May 16th 2014: Uriel Zajaczkovski. The primary reading is paper 5.
- May 23rd 2014: Jinbo Wang. The primary reading is paper 8.
- May 30th 2014: Eric Arobone. The primary reading is paper 13.
- June 6th 2014: Roy Barkan. The primary reading is papers 14 and 15.
A 1991 two-dimensional turbulence movie made by Briscolini and Santangelo at IBM, Rome. The details are in Briscolini, M. and P. Santangelo. Animations of computer simulations of two-dimensional turbulence and three dimensional flows. IBM J. Res. Develop. 35, 1991
A 2013 two-dimensional turbulence movie made by Kaushik Srinivasan
at Scripps.
The solution is described in this presentation Two-dimensional turbulence
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