Offline Particle Trajectory Integration Module and Library (OPTIMAL)

At the current stage, OPTIMAL integrates neutrally buoyant particle trajectories utilizing fourth-order Runge-Kutta in time and tri-linear interpolation in space for C-grid model output. It has been implemented with Southern Ocean State Estimate (SOSE). See an example here.

A Physical Oceanographer's Python toolbox (Popy)

By the day I am writing this webpage, a June glooming day of San Diego in 2014, one needs to be on the geeky side of the tiny community of physical oceanographer to use Python. Matlab still dominates. One of the reasons is that people talk in Matlab and share Matlab code with each other. I have been using Python for a while and collected/written some programs which I though can be useful to physical oceanographers. Here I share my code in the hope of attracting more POers to the Python world.

One-layer Quasi-Geostrophic meridional channel model