MacKinnon, J.A., St. Laurent, L. and Naveira Garabato, A., Diapycnal Mixing in the ocean, a chapter in "Ocean Circulation and Climate - Observing and Modelling the Global Ocean, Revised", in prep.
MacKinnon, J.A., M. H. Alford, Rob Pinkel, Jody Klymak, and Zhongxiang Zhao, 2011: The latitudinal dependence of shear and mixing in the Pacific transiting the critical latitude for PSI, in press for JPO [draft]
MacKinnon, J.A., M. H. Alford, O. Sun, R. Pinkel, Z. Zhao and J. Klymak, 2011: Parametric subharmonic instability of the internal tide at 29N, in press for JPO [draft]
Whalen, C.B., L. D. Talley and J.A. MacKinnon, 2012: Spatial and temporal variability of global ocean mixing inferred from Argo profiles, Geophysical Research Letters, 39, doi:10.1029/2012GL053196 [whalen_etal_12]
Alford, M.H J.A. MacKinnon, J.D. Nash, H. Simmons, A. Pickering, J.M. Klymak, R. Pinkel, O. Sun, L. Rainville, R. Musgrave, T. Beitzel, K-H Fu, and C-W Lu, 2011: Energy flux and dissipation in Luzon Strait: two tales of two ridges, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 41(11), 2211-2222. [alford_etal_11]
MacKinnon, J.A, M. H. Alford, P. Bouruet-Aubertot, N. Bindoff , S. Gille, J.B. Girton, M. C. Gregg, R. Hallberg, E. Kunze, A.C. Naveira Garabato, H. Phillips, R. Pinkel, K. Polzin, T. B. Sanford, H. L. Simmons and K. G. Speer, Using global arrays to investigate internal-waves and mixing, Proceedings of the "OceanObs'09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society" Conference, Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009, Hall, J. and D.E. Harrison and D. Stammer, Editors. [Ocean_obs]
Zhao, Zhongxiang, Matthew H. Alford, Jennifer A. MacKinnon, and Rob Pinkel, 2010: Long-Range Propagation of the Semidiurnal Internal Tide from the Hawaiian Ridge, J. Phys Oceanogr, 40(4), p713-736. [zhao_etal_10]
Tejada-Martinez, Andres E., Chester E. Grosch, Ann E. Gargett, Jeff A. Polton, Jerome A. Smith, and J. A. MacKinnon, 2009: A hybrid spectral/finite-difference large-eddy simulator of turbulent processes in the upper ocean, Ocean Modelling, 30, 115-142. [tejada_martinez_etal]
MacKinnon, J.A., T.M. Shaun Johnston, and R. Pinkel, 2008: Strong transport and mixing of deep water through the Southwest Indian Ridge, Nature Geosciences [mackinnon_etal_08.pdf]
Polton, Jeff A., Jerome A. Smith, J.A. MacKinnon and Andrew E. Tejada-Martinez, 2008: Rapid generation of high-frequency internal waves beneath a wind and wave forced oceanic surface mixed layer, Geophys. Res. Lett. [polton08_grltex.pdf]
MacKinnon, 2008: Does extreme internal-wave breaking matter for ocean mixing?, Proceedings of the 15th 'Aha Huliko'a Hawaiian Winter Workshop, edited by P. Muller and D. Henderson, 91-98. [AhaChapter.pdf]
Alford, M.H., J.A. MacKinnon, Zhongxiang Zhao, Rob Pinkel, Jody Klymak, and Thomas Peacock, 2007: Internal waves across the Pacific, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L24601, doi:10.1029/2007GL031566. [alford_etal_07.pdf]
Thompson, Andrew F., Sarah T. Gille, J.A. MacKinnon and Janet Sprintall, 2007: Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Small-Scale Mixing in Drake Passage, J .Phys Oceanogr., 37(3), 572-592. [thompson_etal_07.pdf]
MacKinnon, J. A. and M.C. Gregg, 2005.: Near-Inertial Waves on the New England Shelf: the role of evolving stratification, turbulent dissipation, and bottom drag. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 35(12), 2408-2424. [mackinnon_gregg_05a.pdf]
MacKinnon, J. A. and M.C. Gregg, 2005.: Spring Mixing on the New England Shelf. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 35(12), 2425-2443 . [mackinnon_gregg_05b.pdf]
MacKinnon, J.A. and K.B. Winters, 2005: Subtropical Catastrophe: significant loss of low-mode tidal energy at 28.9 degrees, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 32, No. 15, VOL. 32, L15605, doi:10.1029/2005GL023376. [MacKinnon_Winters_05a.pdf]
MacKinnon, J.A. and K.B. Winters, 2003: Spectral evolution of bottom-forced internal waves. Presentation given at the 13th ‘Aha Huliko’a Hawaiian Winter Workshop. [AhaChapter_pp.pdf] or look at the talk
Winters, K.B., J.A. MacKinnon. and B. Mills, 2004: A spectral model for process studies of rotating, density-stratified flows, J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 21 (1): 69-94 [winters_etal_04.pdf]
MacKinnon, J. A. and M.C. Gregg, 2003.: Shear and Baroclinic Energy Flux on the Summer New England Shelf, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 33(7), 1462-1475. [mackinnon_gregg_03a.pdf]
MacKinnon, J. A. and M.C. Gregg, 2003: Mixing on the Late-Summer New England Shelf – Solibores, Shear and Stratification, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 33(7) 1476-1492.[mackinnon_gregg_03b.pdf]
MacKinnon, J.A. 2002: Coastal Recipes: Internal waves, turbulence and mixing on the New England continental shelf. University of Washinton thesis.
MacKinnon, J.A., J. Eckert, D.F. Coker, and A.L.R. Bug, 2001. Computational study of molecular hydrogen in zeolite Na-A. II. Density of rotational states and inelastic neutron scattering spectra. Journal of Chemical Physics, 114(22); 10137-10150.
Gardner, W.D., J.C. Blakey, I.D. Walsh, M.J. Richardson, S. Pegau, J.R.V. Zaneveld, C.Roesler, M.C. Gregg, J.A. MacKinnon, H.M. Sosik and A.J. Williams III, 2001. Optics, particles, stratification and storms on the New England continental shelf, Journal of Geophysical Research, 106(C5), 9473-9497.
Gregg, M.C., D.P. Winkel, J.A. MacKinnon, and R.-C. Lien, 1999. Mixing over shelves and slopes, in Dynamics of oceanic internal gravity waves II, Proceedings, Hawaiian Winter Workshop, edited by P. Muller and D. Henderson, 35-42.