SIO 119: Physics and Chemistry of the Ocean


Week 1

  • January 6:  Introduction. Chemistry, physics, and biology in the ocean. (Gille and Andersson)
  • January 8:  Physical properties of sea water: Temperature, salinity, density. (Gille)
  • January 10: The ocean energy budget: Measuring changes in ocean heat content (Gille)

Week 2

  • January 13:  Air-sea fluxes and water mass transformation. (Gille)
  • January 15:  Moving the ocean: Rotation and the Coriolis effect. (Gille)
  • January 17:  Moving the ocean: Winds and wind-driven circulation. (Gille - homework 1 due)

Week 3

  • January 20:  Holiday
  • January 22:  Moving the ocean: Geostrophic balance, large-scale circulation (Gille)
  • January 24:  Rising and falling seas: Tides and tide pools (Gille)

Week 4

  • January 27:  Vertical motions: Water mass formation and a changing climate (Gille)
  • January 29:  Southern Ocean or El Niño, the blob, and the California Current + review (Gille)
  • January 31:  Midterm #1: physical oceanography (Gille)

Week 5

  • February 3:  Origin of universe, earth, oceans and life (Andersson)
  • February 5:  Salinity and the composition of seawater (Andersson)
  • February 7:  Gases in seawater (Andersson)

Week 6

  • February 10:  Marine carbonic acid system. (Andersson)
  • February 12:  Biogeochemical processes effect on marine CO2 system. (Andersson)}
  • February 14:  C and CaCO3 cycles (Andersson)

Week 7

  • February 17:  Holiday
  • February 19:  N and P cycles. (Andersson)
  • February 21:  Anaerobic metabolic pathways and deoxygenation. (Andersson)

Week 8

  • February 24:  Eutrophication, deoxygenation, acidification. (Andersson)
  • February 26:  Radioactivity. (Andersson)
  • February 28:  Midterm #2: chemical oceanography (Andersson)

Week 9

  • March 2:  Poster presentations: Discussion of expectations and format. Case study 1: Iron fertilization.
  • March 4:  Case study 1: Iron fertilization.
  • March 6:  Case study 1: Iron fertilization.

Week 10

  • March 9:  Case study 2.
  • March 11:  Case study 2.
  • March 13:  Case study 2. Class wrap up. Q&A for posters

Final Exam

  • March 20:  Poster session during scheduled final exam (Sumner Auditorium)