ESYS 10  Introduction to Environmental Systems

Winter 2003

Prof. Sarah Gille
sgille at

class meets Tuesday and Thursday:  9:30-10:50 am, Center Hall 222; moving to Warren Lecture Hall 2114 effective January 16

office hours on main campus:  473 EBUII  Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:30 until 9:15 or by appointment. phone:  858-822-4915
I'm also available before and after class and by e-mail.

office at Scripps:  348 Nierenberg Hall   phone:  858-822-4425.  (by appointment)

administrative support:  Caren Duncanson and Pamela Buaas (188 Galbraith Hall). 

Final exams and remaining assignments can be picked up from the ESYS program office, 188 Galbraith Hall. Caren Duncanson and Pamela Buaas staff the office from early morning until about 3 pm daily.
What's your ecological footprint? Redefining Progress has a quiz for you
Interested in more? San Diego Youth Forum on March 29th invites students to participate in "Charting a Path Toward a Sustainable Future".  


Textbook: The Earth System by Kump, Kasting, and Crane.
Textbook clarifications and corrections


Week 1: Reading. Ch. 1
January 7: Introduction to the course.
January 9: Introduction (cont). Case study warm up: Colorado River water.
Week 2. Reading: Ch. 2
January 14: Daisy World. Case study 1, part 1.
January 16:
Bill Brick, San Diego County Air Pollution Control District, guest speaker.
Week 3: Reading: Ch. 3
January 21: Global energy balance: The greenhouse effect. Case study 1, part 2.
January 23: Global energy balance (cont.). Case study 2, part 1.
Week 4: Reading: Ch. 10, 15
January 28:  Paul Dayton, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, guest speaker.
January 30 Biodiversity, Case study 2, part 2.

Week 5: Reading: Ch. 4

February 4: Atmospheric circulation. Term paper assignments
February 6: Atmospheric circulation (continued). Exam review Jeopardy.
Week 6: Reading: Ch. 14
February 11: midterm What to expect
February 13: Ozone depletion. Case study 3, part 1.

Week 7: Reading: Ch. 5

February 18Ocean circulation. Case study 3, part 2.
February 20Field trip: Birch Aquarium at Scripps. Ocean circulation, cont.

Week 8: Reading: Ch. 7

February 25: Carbon cycle. Mid-term Follow up. Progress check-up for term papers.
February 27: Global warming/Kyoto Protocol. Case study 4, part 1.Case study 4, part 1.
Week 9:
March 4: Term papers due. Student presentations.
March 6: Tegan Blaine, SIO, guest lecture. Kyoto Protocol and the Revelle Program.
Week 10: Reading: Ch. 13
March 11: Global warming/Kyoto Protocol (cont). Case study 4, part 2.
March 13: Course summary. Exam review. Exam review Jeopardy. 
final exam:  tentatively Wednesday March 17, 8:00-11:00 am, cumulative  What to expect
NSF award OCE0049066 has helped with the development of some material in this web site.