Chen, L. and W.R. Young, 1995.
Density compensated thermohaline gradients and diapycnal fluxes in the
mixed layer. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 25, 3064-3075.
50. Young, W.R., 1995. Decaying two-dimensional turbulence. Turbulence,
A Tentative Dictionary, 1-4, Eds. P. Tabeling and O. Cardoso, Plenum
51. McNamara S., and W.R. Young, 1996. Dynamics of a freely evolving,
two-dimensional granular medium. Phys. Rev. E., 53, 5089-5100.
52. Cessi, P., and W.R. Young,
1996. Some unexpected consequences of the interaction between convective
adjustment and horizontal diffusion. Physica D., 98, 287-300.
53. Balmforth, N.J., and D.
del-Castillo-Negrete and W.R. Young, 1997. Dynamics of vorticity defects
in shear. J. Fluid Mech., 333, 197-230.
54. Young, W.R., and M. Ben Jelloul,
1997. Propagation of near-inertial oscillations through a geostrophic
flow. Journal of Marine Research, 55, 735-766.
55. Ferrari, R., and W.R. Young, 1997.
On the development of thermohaline correlations as a result of nonlinear
diffusive parameterizations. J. Mar. Res., 55, 1069-1101.
56. Balmforth, N.J., and W.R. Young.
1997. Long-wave instability in marginally stable shear flows. Phys.
Rev. Lett., 79, 4155-4158.
57. Balmforth, N.J., S.G.
Llewellyn Smith, and W.R. Young. 1998. Dynamics of interfaces and layers
in a stratified turbulent fluid. J. Fluid Mech., 355, 329-358.
58. Balmforth, N.J., S.G.
Llewellyn Smith, and W.R. Young. 1998. Enhanced dispersion of
near-inertial waves in an idealized geostrophic flow. Journal of Marine
Research, 56, 1-40.
59. Manfroi, A.J., and W.R.
Young, 1999. Slow evolution of zonal jets on the beta-plane. J. Atmos.
Sci., 56, 784-800.
60. Balmforth, N.J., and W.R. Young,
1999. Radiative damping of near-inertial oscillations.J. Mar. Res., 57,
61. Dauxois, T., and W.R. Young,
1999. Near-critical reflection of internal waves. J. Fluid Mech.,
390, 271-295.
62. Balmforth, N.J., S.G
Llewellyn-Smith and W.R. Young, 2001. Disturbing vortices. J. Fluid
Mech. 426, 95-133.
63. Ferrari, R., Manfroi, A., and
W.R. Young, 2001. Strongly and weakly self-similar diffusion. Physica D
154, 111-137.
64. Young, W.R., A.J. Roberts
and G. Stuhne, 2001. Reproductive pair correlations and the clustering
of organisms. Nature 412, 328-331.
65. Manfroi, A.J. and W.R. Young,
2002. Stability of beta-plane Kolmogorov flow. Physica D 162, 208-232.
66. Llewellyn Smith, S.G.
and W.R. Young, 2002. Conversion of the barotropic tide. J. Phys.
Oceanogr., 32, 1554-1566.
67. Balmforth,
N.B., G.R.Ierley and W.R. Young, 2002. Tidal conversion by subcritical
topography. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 32, 2900-2914.
68. Paparella, F. and
W.R. Young, 2002. Horizontal convection is nonturbulent. J. Fluid Mech.,
466, 205-214.
69. Balmforth, N.B. and
W.R. Young, 2003. Diffusion limited scalar cascades. J. Fluid Mech.,
482, 91-100.
70. Llewellyn Smith, S.G. and
W.R. Young, 2003. Tidal conversion at a very steep ridge. J. Fluid
Mech., 495, 175-191.
71. Tang, W., Caulfield, C.P. and
W.R. Young, 2004. Bounds on dissipation in stress-driven flow J. Fluid
Mech., 510, 333-352.
72. Tang, W., Caulfield, C.P. and W.R.
Young, 2005. Bounds on dissipation in stress-driven in a rotating
frame. J.Fluid Mech., 540, 373-391.
73. Plasting, S.C. and
W.R. Young, 2006. A bound on scalar variance for the advection
diffusion equation. J.Fluid Mech., 552, 289-298.
74. Birch, D.A. and W.R. Young,
2006. A master equation for a spatial population model with pair
interactions. Theoretical Population Biology, 70, 26-42.
75. Thompson, A.F. and W.R.
Young 2006. Scaling baroclinic eddy flux: vortices and energy balance.
J. Phys. Oceanogr., 36, 720-738.
76. Petrelis, F., S.G.
Llewellyn Smith and W.R. Young, 2006. Tidal conversion at a submarine
ridge. J.Phys. Oceanogr., 36, 1053-1071.
77. di Lorenzo, E., W.R. Young
and S.G. Llewellyn Smith 2006. Numerical and analytical estimates of M2
tidal conversion at steep oceanic ridges. J.Phys.Oceanogr., 36,
78. Cessi P., W.R. Young and J. A. Polton
2006. Control of large-scale heat transport by small-scale mixing.
J.Phys.Oceanogr., 36, 1877-1894.
79. Thompson, A.F. and W.R.
Young 2007. Two-layer Baroclinic Eddy Heat Fluxes: Zonal Flows and
Energy Balance. J. Atmos. Sci., 64, 3214-3231.
80. Balmforth N.J., J.W.M. Bush,
D. Vener and W.R. Young 2007. Dissipative descent: rocking and rolling
down an incline. J. Fluid Mech., 590, 295-318.
80. Birch, D.A., Y.-K. Tsang
and W.R. Young 2007. Bounding biomass in the Fisher Equation. Phys.
Rev. E 76, 041910. (Also selected to appear in the Virtual Journal of
Biological Physics Research 13, issue 12.)
82. Birch, D.A., W.R. Young and
P.J.S. Franks 2008. Thin layers of plankton: Formation by shear and
death by diffusion Deep Sea Res. Part I: Oceanographic Research
Papers, 55, 2277-295.
83. Young, W.R., Y.-K. Tsang
and N.J. Balmforth 2008. Near-inertial parametric subharmonic
instability. J. Fluid Mech. 607 pp 25-49.
84. Tsang, Y.-K. and W.R. Young
2008. Energy-enstrophy stability of beta-plane Kolmogorov flow with
drag. Physics of Fluids, vol 20, 084102.
85. Birch, D.A., W.R.Young and
P.J.S. Franks 2009. Plankton layer profiles as determined by shearing,
sinking and swimming. Limnology and Oceanography, vol 54(1).
86. Winters, K.B. and
W.R.Young 2009. Available potential energy and buoyancy variance in
horizontal convection. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol 629 pp 221-230.
87. Tsang, Y.-K. and
W.R.Young 2009. Forced-dissipative two-dimensional turbulence: A
scaling regime controlled by drag. Physical Review E, vol 79, 045308(R).
88. W.R.Young 2010.
Dynamic enthalpy, conservative temperature, and the seawater Boussinesq
approximation. Journal of Physical Oceanography, vol 40, 394-400.
89. Vanneste, J. and
W.R.Young 2010. On the energy of elliptical vortices. Physics of
Fluids, vol 22, 081701.
90. Balmforth, N.J. and W.R.Young
2011. An interacting particle system with compact hierarchial
structure. Physica D, vol 240, 101-113.
91. Sukhatme, J. and
W.R.Young 2011. The advection-condensation model and water-vapour
probability density functions. Q. J. Roy. Meteorl. Soc,
92. Hazewinkel, J.,
Paparella, F. and W.R.Young 2012. Stressed Horizontal Convection. J.
Fluid Mech., vol 692, 317-331.
93. K. Srinivasan
and W.R.Young 2012. Zonostrophic Instability. J. Atmos. Sci., vol 69,
94. W.R.Young 2012. An exact
thickness-weighted average formulation of the Boussinesq equations. J.
Phys. Oceanogr. vol 42, 692-707.
95. Gallet, B. and W.R.Young
2013. A two-dimensional vortex condensate at high Reynolds number. J.
Fluid Mech. vol 715, 359-388.
96. Young, W.R. and C.L. Wolfe
2014. Generation of surface waves by shear-flow instability. J. Fluid
Mech. vol 739, 276-307.
97. Srinivasan K. and W.R.
Young 2014. Reynolds stress and eddy diffusivity of beta-plane shear
flows.J. Atmos. Sci. vol 71, 2169-2185.
98. Gallet B. and W.R. Young 2014.
Refraction of swell by ocean currents. J. Mar. Res. vol 72, 105-126.
99. Wagner, G. L., Young, W.R. and
E Lauga 2014. Mixing by microorganisms in stratified fluids. J. Mar.
Res. vol 72, 47-72.
100. Wagner, G. L. and Young, W.R.
2015. Available potential vorticity and wave-averaged quasi-geostrophic
flow. J. Fluid Mech. vol 785, 401-424
101. Dewar, W.K., J.
Schoonover, T.J. McDougall and Young, W.R. 2015. Semicompressible ocean
dynamics. J. Phys. Oceanogr. vol 45, pp 149-156
102. Rocha, C. B., W.R.
Young and I. Grooms 2016. On Galerkin approximations of the surface
active quasigeostrophic equations. J. Phys. Oceanogr. vol 46, pp
103. Musgrave, R. C., R. Pinkel,
J.A. MacKinnon, M.R. Mazloff and W.R. Young 2016. Stratified tidal flow
over a tall ridge above and below the turning latitude. Journal of Fluid
Mechanics vol 793, pp 933-957
104. Wagner G.L. and W.R. Young
2016. A three-component model for the coupled evolution of near-inertial
waves, quasi-geostrophic flow and the near-inertial second harmonic.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol 802 pp 806-837.
105. Constantinou N.C.
and W.R. Young 2017. Beta-plane turbulence above monoscale topography.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol 827, pp 415-447.
106. Wagner G.J., G. Ferrando and
W.R. Young 2017. An asymptotic model for the propagation of oceanic
internal tides through quasi-geostrophic flow. Journal of Fluid
Mechanics vol 828, pp779-811.
107. Haney S. and W.R. Young
2017. Radiation of internal waves from groups of surface gravity waves.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol 829 pp 280-303.
108. Marcotte, F., Doering, C.R.,
Thiffeault, J.L. and W.R. Young, 2018. Optimal heat transfer and optimal
exit times. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, vol 78(1), pp
109. Rocha, C.B., G.L.
Wagner and W.R. Young, W.R., 2018. Stimulated generation: extraction of
energy from balanced flow by near-inertial waves. Journal of Fluid
Mechanics vol 847, pp 417-451.
110. Asselin, O., and W.R.
Young,2019. An improved model of near-inertial wave dynamics. Journal of
Fluid Mechanics, vol 876, pp 428-448. doi:10.1017/jfm.2019.557
111. Rocha C.B., T. Bossy,
S.G. Llewellyn Smith and W.R. Young,2019. Improved bounds on horizontal
convection. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol 883, A41.
112. Boas, Ana B.
Villas, and William R. Young, 2020. Directional diffusion of surface
gravity wave action by ocean macroturbulence. Journal of Fluid
Mechanics, vol 890. doi:10.1017/jfm.2020.116 .
113. Rocha, C.B.,
Constantinou, C.B., Llewellyn Smith, S.G. and W.R. Young,2020. The
Nusselt numbers of horizontal convection. Journal of Fluid Mechanics,
vol 894, A24. doi:10.1017/jfm.2020.269
114. Asselin, O. and W.R.
Young, 2020. Penetration of wind-generated near-inertial waves into a
turbulent ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, vol 50, 1699-1716
115. Asselin,
O., Thomas, L. N., Young, W. R., and Rainville, L. 2020. Refraction and
Straining of Near-Inertial Waves by Barotropic Eddies. Journal of
Physical Oceanography, vol 50(12), 3439-3454.
116. Thomas, L.N., Rainville, L.,
Asselin, O., Young, W.R., Girton, J., Whalen, C.B., Centurioni, L. and
Hormann, V., 2020. Direct Observations of Near-Inertial Wave
zeta-Refraction in a Dipole Vortex. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(21),
117. Kafiabad, H.A, Vanneste, J., and
Young, W.R., 2021. Wave-averaged balance: a simple example. Journal of
Fluid Mechanics, vol 911, R1. doi:10.1017/jfm.2020.1032
118. Kafiabad, H.A, Vanneste, J.,
and Young, W.R., 2021. Interaction of near-inertial waves with an
anticyclonic vortex. Journal of Physical Oceanography, vol 51, DOI:
119. Young, W.R., 2021.
Inertia-gravity waves and geostrophic turbulence. Journal of Fluid
Mechanics, vol 920, F1, doi:10.1017/jfm.2021.334
120. Siegelman, L.,
Klein, P., Ingersoll, A. P., Ewald, S. P., Young, W. R., Bracco, A., ...
& Sindoni, G. (2022). Moist convection drives an upscale energy transfer
at Jovian high latitudes. Nature Physics, 1-5.
121. Vanneste, and
Young, W.R. (2022). Stokes drift and its discontents. Phil. Trans. Roy.
Soc. A 380:20210032.
122. Siegelman, L.,
Young, W. R., and Ingersoll, A. P. (2022). Polar vortex crystals:
Emergence and structure. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, 119(17), e2120486119.
122S. Siegelman, L. and Young, W.
R., and Ingersoll, A. P. (2022). Supplementary Information for Polar
vortex crystals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
119(17), e2120486119.
123. Andrew P. Ingersoll, Shawn P. Ewald,
Federico Tosi, Alberto Adriani, Alessandro Mura, Davide Grassi,
Christina Plainak, Giuseppe Sindoni, Cheng Li, Lia Siegelman,
Patrice Klein and William R. Young (2022). Vorticity and divergence at scales
down to 200 km within and around the polar cyclones of Jupiter,
Nature Astronomy, 6, 1280-1286.
124. Coralie Picoche, William R Young,
Frederic Barraquand (2022). [Re] Reproductive pair correlations and the clustering
of organisms, The ReScience Journal, hal-03871401. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7244522
125. Siegelman, L. and Young, W.
R. (2023). Two-dimensional turbulence above topography: Vortices and
potential vorticity homogenization, Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences, 120(44), e2308018120.
126. Wang, H., Villas Boas,
A.B., Young, W.R., and J Vanneste (2023). Scattering of swell by currents,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 975, doi:10.1017/jfm.2023.686.
127. Leif N. Thomas, Samuel M.
Kelly, Thilo Klenz, William R. Young, Luc Rainville, Harper Simmons,
Verena Hormann, and Ian Stokes (2024). Why near-inertial waves are less
affected by vorticity in the Northeast Pacific than in the North
Atlantic, Oceanography (Early Online Release).
128. Picoche, C., Young, W.R.
and F. Barraquand (2024). Local intraspecific aggregation in phytoplankton model
communities: spatial scales of occurrence and implications for coexistence,
Journal of Mathematical Biology.
Meiss, J., and W.R., Young, 1980. A forced Burgers equation.
Proceedings of the 1980 Summer Study Program in Geophysical Fluid
Dynamics at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. WHOI Technical
Report, 80-53.
Young, W.R., 1981. The vertical structure of the general circulation.
Ph.D. thesis submitted to Woods Hole - Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. Joint Program in Oceanography.
Young, W.R. and M. Ben Jelloul, 1995. Intermittent mixing: the Zappa
model. Proceedings of the 1995 Summer Study Program in Geophysical Fluid
Dynamics at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. WHOI Technical
W.R. Young, 1999. Lectures on
Stirring and Mixing delivered at the 1999 WHOI Summer Program in
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, and also at the 2000 FDEPS workshop in Tokyo.
W.R.Young 2001. Brownian
bugs and superprocesses. Proceedings of the 12th 'Aha Huliko'a Hawaiian
Winter Workshop, 2001.
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